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Chair of Governors & Member

Co-opted Governor

Dr Mengeaud

Virginie has been a Governor at WPS since 2017. She has two children at our school. Virginie is a scientist and her professional background is in Quality Assurance. She was educated in France and Switzerland and joined the WPS governing body to share her different international, quality improvement and auditor experiences. Virginie was appointed Chair of Governors during her second term in September 2022. Her interests are in Safeguarding, Inclusion & Diversity, and English as an Additional Language. Virginie is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Link Governor at WPS.

Member appointed Governor

Mrs Webb

Katherine has been a Governor at WPS since 2023, having previously been a governor at our school from 2013 to 2019. She currently has three children at the school. Katherine is a Chartered Accountant working in the Civil Service. She enjoys being a governor, both in a supportive and challenging role, to ensure that all Westbury Park children fulfil their potential. She was appointed as Vice Chair of Governors in October 2023. Katherine is Safeguarding Governor and a Staff Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mr Cairns

George has been a Governor at WPS since 2023. He has lived in the Westbury Park area since 2010 with a strong affinity with Westbury Park Primary having had both his children educated at the school. George is currently a senior leader in the financial services sector, responsible for delivering digital and data driven transformation. Half-British and half-Swiss, he is passionate about championing inclusivity and diversity. In his spare time, he is a keen triathlete and will often be seen running or cycling around the area. George is an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mr Lane

As well as being a Learning Support Assistant at WPS, Dan has been a WPS Governor since 2019. Dan joined our school in 2010 and is proud to have seen first-hand what an amazing school it is and what an incredible role it plays in shaping the lives of every child who attends. He loves his job which has a focus on children with SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) and he considers it a privilege to support the children through their primary education journey. Outside of school you will find Dan playing or watching live music and spending every second he can with his young son.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Deering

Clare has been a Governor at WPS since 2020. She lives locally and her daughter attended Westbury Park School. After a teaching career of over 30 years, Clare retired in 2019. She is still very interested in education policy and provision in schools, and is enjoying learning about the life of a Primary School. She is particularly keen to ensure that every child achieves their potential and is not prevented from accessing an excellent education through no fault of their own. Clare is a Curriculum Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Dursley

Karen has been a Governor at WPS since 2022. She is a retired Office and Personnel Manager who worked in the education sector for six years. Prior to that Karen held a senior role in facilities management with primary responsibility for buildings, environment, community, supply chain and contract management. Karen also brings to her experience of other trust boards to our WPS governing body. Karen is an Estates Link Governor at WPS.

Parent Governor

Mrs Brennan

Catherine has been a Governor since 2022. She currently has one child at our school. Catherine is a solicitor in the renewables sector. She enjoys being part of a team committed to ensuring that children are given the best education, learning and development opportunities available. Her interests are in the curriculum and safeguarding. In her spare time, Catherine enjoys running. Catherine is a Curriculum Link Governor at WPS.

Parent Governor

Mr Hardy

Matt has been a Governor at WPS since 2023. He has three children at our school. Matt is a Chartered Accountant and currently works as Deputy Head of Tax at a large UK consumer goods company. His career has focused on international trade and tax policy, and he hopes to use his knowledge and experience in accountancy and economics to benefit the school. In his spare time, Matt is a keen cyclist and runner. Matt is a Curriculum Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Burdett

Debbie works in the school as a Teaching Assistant working one to one with children in the afternoons and as part of the office team in the mornings. She has been a Governor at WPS since 2024.

Associate Governor

Mr Horton

Tim is an Associate Governor and link Health & Safety Governor.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Maggs

As well as being a Teacher at WPS, Lauren has been a WPS Governor since 2021.

Co-opted Governor

Ms Bryer

Helen has been a Governor at WPS since 2025. She has two children, one at our school and the younger one joining next year. Helen is a civil servant, with a particular interest in equity and inclusion. She has previous experience of being a Governor at a local federation of special schools. Helen is an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Link Governor at WPS


Mrs Engelbrecht


Mrs Stephens


Mr Hackett


Mr Sefton


Dr Mengeaud

يتحمل مديرو المدارس مسؤولية مركزية للإشراف على قيادة وتوجيه مدرستهم وتحسين المعايير.

في حين أن مدير المدرسة هو المسؤول عن الإدارة اليومية للمدرسة ، فإن دور الهيئة الحاكمة هو توفير القيادة الاستراتيجية والعمل "كصديق ناقد" ، ودعم عمل مدير المدرسة والموظفين الآخرين.


الأعضاء همالأوصياء على حوكمة الصندوق ذات الدور المحدود والمتباعد ، "الأعين على عدم التدخل" ويحملون الأمناء مرة كل عام مسؤولية الحوكمة الفعالة للصندوق في الاجتماع السنوي العام (AGM).

للهيئة الحاكمة دور في تحديد أهداف أداء المدرسة ، واتخاذ قرار بشأن أولويات الإنفاق ، وتعيين الموظفين ومراقبة التقدم.

يلعب المحافظون أيضًا دورًا رسميًا وغير رسمي في التعامل مع شكاوى أولياء الأمور]

يكرس الحكام في Westbury Park دورهم في دعم الموظفين وتحديهم لجعل المدرسة أفضل ما يمكن أن تكون عليه لأطفالنا.

عند النظر في المهارات والتدريب الذي يتطلبه الحكام ، يتم إيلاء اهتمام خاص لثلاث وظائف إستراتيجية أساسية لمجلس المحافظين:


  1. تحديد رؤية المدرسة وروحها وتوجهها الاستراتيجي

  2. مساءلة مدير المدرسة عن الأداء التعليمي للمدرسة وتلاميذها

  3. الإشراف على الأداء المالي للمدرسة والتأكد من حسن إنفاق أموالها

هيكل المجلس

لأداء الدور حسب الحاجة ، نقوم بتشغيل اللجنتين الفرعيتين التاليتين على فترات:

مواردولجنة التدقيق - بغرض تقديم المشورة للأمناء بشأن:

  1.   المراقبة والنظر وتقديم المشورة للأمناء بشأن السياسات والممارسات المتعلقة بالتمويل والمباني والصحة والسلامة وموارد التوظيف ؛

  2. مساءلة مدير المدرسة وفريق قيادة المدرسة بشأن الأمور المتعلقة بما ورد أعلاه ؛

  3. الأمور المتعلقة بترتيبات تدقيق الصندوق

  4. نظم الرقابة الداخلية وإدارة المخاطر


لجنة تحسين المدرسة - بهدف تقديم المشورة للأمناء حول:

  1. توفير التوجيه الاستراتيجي للتدريس والتعلم في المدرسة والعمل كهيئة استباقية واستراتيجية للتدريس والتعلم والتقييم ومسائل المناهج الدراسية ، بما في ذلك تحسين الجودة ومشاركة الممارسات الجيدة ؛

  2. وضع برنامج رسمي لرصد وتقييم التدريس والتعلم في المدرسة ، في سياق الخطة الخمسية للمدرسة ، وخطة تطوير المدرسة ، وخطة عمل SEN ، والمنهج الوطني ، وإرشادات DfE والسلطة المحلية الأخرى ؛

  3. قبول المسؤوليات المفوضة بالكامل لأداء الواجبات التالية وتقديم تقرير وتقديم توصيات إلى الهيئة الحاكمة.

  4. المراقبة والنظر وتقديم المشورة للأمناء بشأن السياسات والممارسات المتعلقة بتحسين المدرسة ؛

  5. مساءلة مدير المدرسة وفريق قيادة المدرسة بشأن الأمور المرتبطة بالأمور المذكورة أعلاه ؛


ومرتين في السنة:

يدفعاللجنة - بغرض تقديم المشورة للأمناء بشأن:

  1. تنفيذ سياسة الأجور بطريقة عادلة وموضوعية والنظر في أي إقرارات فردية قد يتم إجراؤها فيما يتعلق بقرارات الدفع

  2. مساءلة مدير المدرسة وفريق قيادة المدرسة بشأن الأمور المرتبطة بالأمور المذكورة أعلاه ؛

لعرض اتفاقية التمويل الخاصة بنا ،

الرجاء الضغط هنا

لعرض النظام الأساسي لدينا ،

الرجاء الضغط هنا

لعرض مخطط التفويض لدينا

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لعرض قائمة الأمناء والأعضاء لدينا ،

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لعرض أحدث سجل للمصالح لدينا ،

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لعرض حضور اجتماع المحافظ للعام الدراسي 2021/22 ،

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لعرض مخططنا السنوي 2022/23

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لعرض بيان تأثير الحاكم 2020/21

الرجاء الضغط هنا

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