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Chair of Governors & Member

Co-opted Governor

Dr Mengeaud

Virginie has been a Governor at WPS since 2017. She has two children at our school. Virginie is a scientist and her professional background is in Quality Assurance. She was educated in France and Switzerland and joined the WPS governing body to share her different international, quality improvement and auditor experiences. Virginie was appointed Chair of Governors during her second term in September 2022. Her interests are in Safeguarding, Inclusion & Diversity, and English as an Additional Language. Virginie is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Link Governor at WPS.

Parent Governor

Mrs Ridsdale

Georgina has been a Governor at WPS since 2019. She has ? children at our school. Georgina is currently a Senior Lecturer and Programme Director for the Bar Training Course at UWE. She teaches civil litigation and advocacy to students training to be barristers. As well as being a qualified solicitor, Georgina is a trained mediator, holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education teaching and learning and is a consultant for the Bar Standards Board. Georgina brings her experience of managing timetables, students, staff, assessments, planning as well as student experiences to our governing Body. Georgina is a SEND, PP and CiC Link Governor at WPS.

Member appointed Governor

Mrs Webb

Katherine has been a Governor at WPS since 2023, having previously been a governor at our school from 2013 to 2019. She currently has three children at the school. Katherine is a Chartered Accountant working in the Civil Service. She enjoys being a governor, both in a supportive and challenging role, to ensure that all Westbury Park children fulfil their potential. She was appointed as Vice Chair of Governors in October 2023. Katherine is a Staff Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Deering

Clare has been a Governor at WPS since 2020. She lives locally and her daughter attended Westbury Park School. After a teaching career of over 30 years, Clare retired in 2019. She is still very interested in education policy and provision in schools, and is enjoying learning about the life of a Primary School. She is particularly keen to ensure that every child achieves their potential and is not prevented from accessing an excellent education through no fault of their own. Clare is a Curriculum Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mr Cairns

George has been a Governor at WPS since 2023. He has lived in the Westbury Park area since 2010 with a strong affinity with Westbury Park Primary having had both his children educated at the school. George is currently a senior leader in the financial services sector, responsible for delivering digital and data driven transformation. Half-British and half-Swiss, he is passionate about championing inclusivity and diversity. In his spare time, he is a keen triathlete and will often be seen running or cycling around the area. George is an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Dursley

Karen has been a Governor at WPS since 2022. She is a retired Office and Personnel Manager who worked in the education sector for six years. Prior to that Karen held a senior role in facilities management with primary responsibility for buildings, environment, community, supply chain and contract management. Karen also brings to her experience of other trust boards to our WPS governing body. Karen is an Estates Link Governor at WPS.

Parent Governor

Mrs Brennan

Catherine has been a Governor since 2022. She currently has one child at our school. Catherine is a solicitor in the renewables sector. She enjoys being part of a team committed to ensuring that children are given the best education, learning and development opportunities available. Her interests are in the curriculum and safeguarding. In her spare time, Catherine enjoys running. Catherine is a Curriculum Link Governor at WPS.

Associate Governor

Mr Horton

Tim is an Associate Governor and link Health & Safety Governor.

Parent Governor

Mr Hardy

Matt has been a Governor at WPS since 2023. He has three children at our school. Matt is a Chartered Accountant and currently works as Deputy Head of Tax at a large UK consumer goods company. His career has focused on international trade and tax policy, and he hopes to use his knowledge and experience in accountancy and economics to benefit the school. In his spare time, Matt is a keen cyclist and runner. Matt is a Curriculum Link Governor at WPS.

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Maggs

As well as being a Teacher at WPS, Lauren has been a WPS Governor since 2021. Lauren is currently on maternity leave.

Co-opted Governor

Miss Mann

As well as being a Year 6 teacher, Emma is also English Lead. She has been a WPS Governor since 2016. She also runs the Netball club after school.

Co-opted Governor

Mr Lane

As well as being a Learning Support Assistant at WPS, Dan has been a WPS Governor since 2019. Dan joined our school in 2010 and is proud to have seen first-hand what an amazing school it is and what an incredible role it plays in shaping the lives of every child who attends. He loves his job which has a focus on children with SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) and he considers it a privilege to support the children through their primary education journey. Outside of school you will find Dan playing or watching live music and spending every second he can with his young son.


Mrs Engelbrecht


Mrs Stephens


Mr Hackett


Mr Sefton


Dr Mengeaud




メンバーは、トラストのガバナンスの守護者は、限定的かつ距離を置いた役割を果たし、「手を離して目を離す」ことはなく、年に 1 回、年次総会 (AGM) でトラストの効果的なガバナンスを説明するために管理委員会を開催しています。




総務に必要なスキルとトレーニングを検討する際、総務会の 3 つの中核となる戦略的機能に特に注意が払われます。


  1. 学校のビジョン、精神、戦略的方向性の設定

  2. 校長に学校とその生徒の教育成績の説明責任を負わせること

  3. 学校の財務実績を監督し、そのお金が適切に使われていることを確認する


必要に応じてその役割を果たすために、次の 2 つの小委員会を定期的に運営しています。

資力および監査委員会 - 管理委員会に次の事項について助言することを目的としています。

  1.  財務、施設、健康と安全、およびスタッフのリソースに関連するポリシーと慣行について管理委員会を監視し、検討し、助言する。

  2. 上記に関連する問題について、校長と学校の指導者チームに責任を負わせます。

  3. 本信託の監査体制に関する事項

  4. 内部統制とリスク管理のシステム


学校改善委員会 - 管理委員会に次の事項について助言することを目的としています。

  1. 学校の教育と学習のための戦略的方向性を提供し、質の向上と優れた実践の共有を含む、教育、学習、評価、およびカリキュラムの問題について積極的かつ戦略的な機関として行動する。

  2. 学校の 5 年計画、学校開発計画、SEN 行動計画、全国カリキュラム、およびその他の DfE および地方自治体のガイドラインに照らして、学校の教育と学習の監視と評価の正式なプログラムを開発する。

  3. 以下の義務を遂行し、統治体に報告し、勧告を行うために、完全に委任された責任を受け入れます。

  4. 学校の改善に関連する方針と実践について管理委員会を監視し、検討し、助言する。

  5. 上記に関連する問題について、校長と学校の指導者チームに責任を負わせます。



支払い委員会 - 管理委員会に次の事項について助言することを目的としています。

  1. 公正かつ客観的な方法で給与ポリシーを実施し、給与決定に関して行われる可能性のある個々の表明を検討する

  2. 上記に関連する問題について、校長と学校の指導者チームに責任を負わせます。











2021/22 学年度のガバナー会議への出席状況を確認するには、


年間プランナー 2022/23 を表示するには


2020/21 年度ガバナー インパクト ステートメントを表示するには


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