We want to make sure that you are always safe, happy and looked after when you are in and out of school. At Westbury Park, we take bullying very seriously and there are lots of things that we can do to help you if you feel that it is happening to you or someone you know. Click below for more info!
The School Council asked you all what we do to prevent bullying and help you if it does happen. You told us we do all of this....!
Anti Bullying Weeks!
Encourage relationships with trusted adults!
Student Voice in the school council!
WellBeing Hub if we find the playground tricky!
ELSA support!
WellBeing Champions in every class!
Adults who listen!
Adults on duty in the playground in every spot you asked us to be in!
No Outsiders!
Peer Mentors to help!
Reminding us that asking for help is OK!
Policies for the adults to follow!

PSHE lessons!
Teach us to say STOP! if we don't like something!
Dojos and recognition of positive behaviour!
What we at Westbury Park will do if someone reports a bullying concern to us...

First, we use this poster to make sure the concern fits in to the bullying category.

Then, we make sure we have written down everything on our special computer system. This way, we can spot any trends or patterns.
We investigate and speak to everyone: whoever has reported it, other children who might be involved or who might have seen something. You might see adults writing notes...this is so that we have all the information in your words.

Adults have a meeting with the person causing the behaviour. We make sure they know to stop and we talk through actions we need to take to help them stop. We might talk about consequences for behaviour here too.
Adults who are helping to solve the problem will meet the person affected. This is to check you are ok. Together we will decide how often to meet up and talk together.

We let all our adults know to check in with you.
We arrange meetings with the parents of the child who needs help stopping their negative behaviour and also with the parents of the person having difficulties.
We offer lots of help and support to all children involved, depending on what you need! Maybe extra time with your teacher, ELSA support or help in the playground.

A very powerful way of resolving situations and moving forward is to have a conflict resolution session. This is when everyone involved sits down with an adult and they talk about what has happened, their feelings and how to move forward. This only happens if everyone agrees.