Our Vision
Art at Westbury Park aims to develop the artist within every child by stimulating creativity, imagination and inventiveness. Exposure to a diverse range of national and local artists from the past, present and different media (including drawing, painting, sculpture and crafting and designing), engages and challenges our children, enabling them to take risks and develop their curiosity and self expression. Art at Westbury Park helps children to become confident, communicative and independent individuals, ultimately inspiring them to see Art as a lifelong process.
Artists we study at westbury park
During our Art & Design journey at Westbury Park, we look at, study and recreate art by a range of artists.
A range of illustrators
Year 1
Bridget Riley*Zaria Forman*Renata Bernal*Wassily Kadinsky*Ilya Botowsky*Samantha Stephenson*Louise Bourgeois*Jasper Johns*Clarice Cliff
Year 2
Susan Stockwell*Kim Soon Im*Josef Albers*Eduardo Paolozzi*Matthew Cusick*Romare Beardon*Ranti Bam*Rachel Whiteread
Year 3
Anthony Caro*Ruth Asawa*Georgia O'Keeffe*Charles Darwin*Maud Purdy*Max Ernst
Year 4
Ruth Daniels*Senaka Senanayake*William Morris*Megan Carter*Ed Ruscha*George Seurat*Fernando Botero*Alberto Giacometti*Henry Moore
Year 5
Vincent Van Gogh*Frida Kahlo*Sonia Boyce*Chila Kumari Singh Burman*Njideka Akunyili Crosby*Cai Guo-Qiang
Year 6
Joseph Cornell*Louise Nevelson*Judith Scott*Yinka Shonibare*Nicola Anthony*Louise Bourgeois*Romare Beardon*Dan Fenelon*Leonardo Da Vinci*Banksy*Diego Rivera*Caravaggio*Pablo Picasso*Hannah Hoch*Edward Weston*Derrick O Boateng*Chuck Close
What do the children say?
"Sketching is my favourite. This year, we also used a grid to make sure we were sketching in detail. It made us really think about how intricate our drawings needed to be."
"I like it when we use technology in art. We used apps on the ipads to create album covers and we created our own versions of macro photography. We thought about the lighting and the way shadows can change the image you see in a photo."
"In Art sometimes we mix colours with paint to match things we find. I mixed a green with blue and yellow to match the colour of a leaf I found in the playground!"
"In Art, we don't just paint and draw! Sometimes we make things using material to create colours and we make sculptures too."