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À l'école Westbury Park, nous apprécions et respectons tout le monde. En tant que communauté d'apprentissage, nous nous défions et nous inspirons les uns les autres, développant la confiance nécessaire pour faire des choix positifs dans un monde en mutation, afin qu'ensemble nous découvrions demain.

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At Westbury Park School, five pillars underpin the intent and ethos of our curriculum, allowing for all children to experience a broad and balanced experience across all areas of learning.

Language & Oracy

Enrichment & Community

Connection &



& Challenge




Our curriculum puts the child at the centre of our caring, sharing, achieving school, where positive relationships, based on mutual trust and respect are at the heart of everything we do.


Children will leave Westbury Park with the following skills, attributes and experiences:

have high levels of literacy and numeracy skills so they are well prepared for the challenges of the secondary school curriculum.

have experienced high quality teaching and learning within a broad and balanced curriculum

be kind, empathetic and compassionate whilst valuing diversity be culturally knowledgeable about our country and our world

having high aspirations for the future and knowing that these can be reached through hard work and determination

be able to make healthy choices and lead a healthy lifestyle

knowing how to make the most of technology in a safe and productive way

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