Our Vision
At Westbury Park, we hope to ignite a spark inside every child through Design and Technology. Whether that be through cooking experiences, mechanics and robotics, textiles or woodwork, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to explore, create and invent, all the while learning new skills and being encouraged to think outside the box. As stated in the National Curriculum, Design and Technology is ‘an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject’ and we enable children to work within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. We create an environment in which children are encouraged to problem-solve and safely take risks, becoming resourceful and innovative in their approach whilst strengthening essential skills in the designing, making and evaluating of effective products.
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What do the children say?
"In DT, we plan what we are making first every time. Sometimes we research and sometimes we draw a sketch of what we are going to make but we have to carefully think about how we are going to complete it."
"We always use the idea of designing something, making it and evaluating it. I love the making bit, especially when it is cooking but the evaluating is probably the most important because it helps to think about next steps."
"The trickiest thing for me was sewing. I had to really practice threading the eye of the needle and sometimes I found it quite frustrating! But I did like adding Velcro and making my pouch work!"