Our Vision
Personal Development is at the heart of all we do at Westbury Park. We highly value the integral skills taught through our curriculum, enrichment opportunities and school values to give our children the aspiration and commitment to become respectful Westbury Park Citizens. We want each child to leave the school feeling confident, unique and proud. We aim to prepare our children to thrive in a changing world so that ‘together we shape our future.'
We are a multicultural school; approximately 34% of the pupils are Non White British. Our school has 14 out of 17 possible ethnic groups, 11.5% of children have English as an additional language with 18 different languages spoken. The school population represents many different religions.
We recognise that school has an important part to play in responding to the impact of the pandemic on children’s social and emotional well being. We aim to provide a nurturing environment with sharp focus on pastoral care and enriching activities rather than solely on academic achievement.
Promote community cohesion to make every child feel part of our Westbury Park family; we want them to accept and celebrate difference to prepare them for life in modern Britain
Offer a wide range of opportunities to take part in enriching creative arts and sports
Support children to stay mentally healthy, we recognise that children’s emotional well-being is just as important as their physical health. Our priorities are to help children to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.
Promote community cohesion to make every child feel part of our Westbury Park family; we want them to accept and celebrate difference to prepare them for life in modern Britain
"Everyone is welcome at Westbury Park. We love doing things together like Wake and Shake and playing games in the playground with people who aren't in our class."
"We are encouraged to be confident and share our ideas. The teachers always listen to what we have to say and our ideas are always considered even if they are unusual!"
"We learn about democracy in lessons and in assemblies with Mrs Clark. In class, we vote on who is going to represent our class in school council. But sometimes we have to vote with our friends in the playground to decide what game we play. We try to always be fair."

"I love the playpod! I pretend to be an astronaut and I talk to the Space people in America. We all like to wear the silver scarf when we are the boss astronaut who is in charge."