Do you receive financial support?
Do you serve in the military?
Is your child eligible for Free School Meals?
Is your child a Looked After or Previously Looked After Child?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then the school may receive an additional grant designed to allow us to help disadvantaged pupils in all areas of their school life.
The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in April 2011. This grant, which is additional to main school funding, is seen by the government as the best way to address the current underlying inequalities and to diminish disadvantage between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers, by ensuring that funding to diminish disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
The Pupil Premium was then expanded to include children who met the following criteria:
Children who are currently eligible for FSM or other benefits
Children who had ever been eligible for FSM or other benefits during their time at primary school
Children from military families
Children who are, or have been, in the care of a Local Authority at any time in their lives
The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable. Schools can decide how the Pupil Premium is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. The funding levels vary according to the different categories outlined above, ranging from £300 to £2300 per child.
At Westbury Park School we support all our pupils. We do this by providing high quality classroom teaching supplemented by interventions to support vulnerable learners as and when required in order to diminish disadvantage. The School Leadership Team and Governing Body monitor the impact of all spending and interventions, including the Pupil Premium.