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Year Six Activities

Year 6 is a special year for the kids and the parents/carers.  The children are in their final year of primary school.  As such there are more activities planned just for them by the year 6 parents and carers.  Not directly related to WPSA but run by volunteers from the year 6 parents.  This page is a way for them to share information from a central place.



  • Hoodies:  Orders are in and processed.  Hoodies will be ready to collect after the final SATs test on Friday 17th May!!!

  • The Y6 family camping weekend has been confirmed as 5-7th July 2019. We are thrilled to have secured a booking at Freshwell Camping in Croyde Bay (thanks Lei and Claire) - more info to follow but put it in your diary now!

  • We have one further adult social …

  •  Curry night on Thursday 6th June (venue tbc).

Your Y6 reps and event volunteers are working hard on your behalf, but we need you to:

  • send a dozen or so photos of your children doing school-related activities throughout their time at primary school to . This could include school plays, concerts, costume days, book days, sports day, other sporting events, Foxes team photos, trips, groups of friends together in school uniform etc. but as a minimum we need a reception photo of your child in school uniform (even if they weren’t at Westbury Park). Please rename the photos with the school year it was taken in before sending. If you have any queries, please email the Year Book team at the above address. THANK YOU to everyone who’s sent in photos so far. Keep them coming! The Year Book is a wonderful momento of the children’s time at Westbury Park and enormously popular with the kids - don’t miss out!

  • help us raise funds for the 2019 Leavers’ Party. Our party planner volunteers are on it! We can’t spoil the surprise, but we can confirm that we need to raise £600 to put on the party of all parties! With the Y6 teaching staff’s help we will be launching 'Bob-A-Job’ over the Easter Holidays and we need every child to do their bit. We’ll tell you how in the coming months.

  • stay in touch - make sure we have your contact details. If you’re not on our mailing list, please email your contact details to

  • get involved! THANK YOU to all our lovely volunteers. If you’d like to help out, please email us.

This year's reps

This year the reps are: Mandy Webb, Carol Williams, Caroline Sowden, Michele Weber and  Sharon Backes.

Dates for your diary

The year 6 specific activities, and dates where known are:

year 6cal.JPG

The following, more detailed, information available to download.


Year 6 mailing list (limited reps access to this - contact Sharon Backes if you require access)

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